I just read an interesting article in a surgical journal. The vast majority of studies in my scientific journals tend to focus on biomechanics, surgical techniques and implant methods. This caught my attention as it instead focused on health. More specifically, the researchers were asking whether Vitamin D deficiency is associated with failure to heal after surgery. They were looking specifically at rotator cuff tears that were surgically reattached.  It turns out that more tendon repairs had to have surgery again in the group of people with low Vitamin D.  We have known for a while that those over age 70 have less potential to heal repairs, possibly from diminished blood flow to the tendon.  This information about Vitamin D may give people another method of maximizing healing potential in advanced age.  

It is only a matter of time until we start to have a more organized and data-driven panel of vitamin and mineral levels that a surgeon can screen.  There are so many factors that contribute to the proper healing response, and this type of information can help improve outcomes for all patients.  Having this information can also potentially help avoid injuries in the first place.

I feel like this is a direction medicine has to head towards with so many more sick, undernourished people in the world. Our food has been vitamin and mineral deficient for decades now, and only recently has awareness increased around this issue. We are seeing more ‘farm to table’ from growers who do not use pesticides. Popular awareness is starting to take hold because more of the population is looking for nutrition rather than pills to feel healthier and happier. 

Another important consideration is the source of the vitamins or other supplements.  Supplements that are sourced from pesticide-treated plants can actually steal nutrients from your body!  It is therefore important to know where the company gets their raw nutrients, as well as how the company packages the capsules/pills.  You want to avoid anything with preservatives or stabilizers.  Chemicals used by some companies can destroy your normal gut flora, which is the home base of your immune system.  Once the gut is harmed, it becomes difficult to absorb anything beneficial.